Race Safety
Race Safety
Please take care of both yourselves and the other competitors on the course. If someone needs help, please stop and help them. Some volunteers hold first aid qualifications. Some will have radio comms with the Safety Director and Race Director, in case of an emergency. We will have medics on the course to provide assistance.
Start line
Make sure you have your race numbers facing the front when you line up at the start. This is essential. Race numbers must be visible because they are recorded throughout the day. If numbers are not visible, we will need to stop you to check your number.
Course markings
Only follow the fluoro pink/orange ribbons in the trees and red arrows on white corflute. There should be no other markings. Any turns should be obviously marked with these pink/orange ribbons and/or red arrows.
The wrong way will be indicated with hazard or warning tapes or WRONG WAY X SIGNS.
Aid station locations and distances
The Aid Stations are well stocked with food: lollies, chips, sandwiches (longest distances), fruit, water and Tailwind sports drink.
The order of the aid station offerings will be: Drinks in cups -> Food -> Fruit -> Drink containers to fill your bottles -> Vaseline and sunblock etc.
Aid Stations | 33KM | 21KM | 11KM | 6KM |
Start | Mangapohue Bridge | Mangapohue Bridge | Stubbs Farm | Ruakuri Cave |
Kokakoroa | 10km | 10km | - | - |
Stubbs airstrip | 23km | - | - | - |
Ruakuri | 32km | - | - | 2.5km |
Finish | 35km | 21km | 11km | 6km |
There are toilets at the registration venue at the race start and finish lines.
They are located at:
Waitomo Domain (the parking/bus pickup area)
Mangapohue Natural Tunnel
Stubb’s Farm
Ruakuri Cave.
Lost gear (from all locations) will be transported to the finish lines of each race. Please make sure you pick up your stuff before you leave town.
If an incident occurs, please contact one of the aid station staff or a mountain bike safety volunteer, a medical/safety officer or a marshal on the course. They will radio one of the safety personnel to respond, or will call in an ambulance or helicopter.
The Waitomo Trail Run is a physically challenging event. Participation presents potential medical risks.
Participation in this event is at the runner’s own risk. Although Run Management has medical personnel at various points along the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach the runner immediately.
Participants are encouraged to see their own medical doctor prior to the event. Runners should be knowledgeable about the stress effects linked to participation in ultra events.
It is important for each entrant to recognise the potential physical and mental stresses, which may evolve from participation in this event. Runners may be subject to extremes of heat and cold, hypothermia, hyperthermia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, disorientation and mental and physical exhaustion. Run Management and the medical staff strive to work with runners. They will do all they reasonably can to ensure “safe passage” but ultimately runners must understand their own limitations. This is one event where it is better to follow the dictates of your body, not your ambitions! Adequate physical and mental conditioning prior to the event is mandatory. If you have not been able to prepare properly, do not attempt to run!
Runners should appreciate the risks associated with participation in this event. Actions may have to be taken on your behalf under extreme time constraints and adverse circumstances. We will make reasonable efforts to give assistance whenever possible. Ultimately and primarily you are in charge. Be careful, be responsible, and do not exceed your own abilities and limitations.
Some of the main risks of the Run, but certainly not all of them, are listed. These should be understood and remembered by all runners, before and during the event. Please note that death can result from several of the risk conditions discussed below or from other aspects of participation in the Waitomo Trail Run.
There will be vehicle traffic on one road crossing. All runners must give way to traffic.
Renal Shutdown:
Cases of renal shutdown (acute renal failure) have been reported in similar events. Renal shutdown occurs from muscle tissue injury which causes the release of myoglobin, a protein material, into the blood plasma. Myoglobin is cleared from the blood stream by the kidneys and will look brownish-colored in the urine. Adequate hydration will help flush myoglobin through the kidneys. Overwhelming amounts of myoglobin may clog the filtering system of the kidneys either partially or totally. If not treated, renal shutdown can cause permanent impairment of kidney function. IT IS CRUCIAL TO CONTINUE HYDRATING USING ELECTROLYTE FLUIDS DURING THE FINAL HOURS OF THE RUN AND FOR SEVERAL DAYS FOLLOWING THE RUN OR UNTIL THE URINE IS LIGHT YELLOW AND OF NORMAL FREQUENCY.
Do NOT take any NSAIDs – especially Ibuprofen during this event. It will greatly increase your risk of renal failure. Runners have been hospitalised for taking these drugs in this event. There is a very fine line between hospitalisation / permanent kidney damage and death.
Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia:
Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are risks. Temperatures may approach 30 degrees C recorded on race day.
These conditions can cause death, kidney failure and brain damage. It is important that runners be aware of the symptoms of impending heat injury. These include but are not limited to: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, faintness, irritability, confusion, weakness, and rapid heart rate. Impending heat stroke may be preceded by a decrease in sweating and the appearance of goose bumps on the skin, especially over the chest. Heat stroke may progress from minimal symptoms to complete collapse, in a very short period of time. Remember that your muscles produce tremendous amounts of heat when running up and down hills. The faster the pace, the more heat is produced. A light-coloured shirt and cap, particularly if kept wet during the race, can help. Acclimatisation to heat requires approximately two weeks. It is recommend you train for periods of at least 90 minutes, in 25 degree C. heat or hotter, for at least two weeks prior to the event.
If signs of heat exhaustion occur, we recommend rapid cooling by applying ice to the groin, neck and armpits. Runners may drink approximately one-quarter or more of their body weight in fluids during this event. This means that an average 68kg runner could possibly drink 17 litres or more of fluid, depending on the heat factor and individual differences. In addition to drinking at checkpoints, runners will be encouraged to carry fluids between checkpoints. To accurately measure fluid intake and output balance, weigh yourself before and after your training runs. This will help you establish your personal fluid requirements (especially during the heat of the day). Remember to replace electrolytes lost from sweat and fluids. Every runner has different needs that should be determined during training.
Risks Associated With Low Sodium and Chloride Counts:
Low sodium levels (hyponatremia) in ultramarathon runners have been associated with severe illness requiring hospitalization. It is important for long-distance athletes to use fluids containing electrolytes to replace the water and salts lost during exercise. WATER INTAKE ALONE IS NOT SUFFICIENT, as water intoxication and possibly death may result. This problem may in fact worsen after the race, as the non-electrolyte-containing fluid, which has been accumulating in the stomach, is absorbed. Potassium and calcium replacement may also be important, although these levels change less with fluid loss and replenishment. Signs and symptoms of hyponatremia include: weight gain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, headache, confusion, lack of coordination, dizziness, muscle twitching/cramping and fatigue. There are two ways to put oneself at risk of hyponatremia: 1) over-hydration (with water or even electrolyte-containing sports drinks); and 2) replacing sweat with hypotonic fluids. You should use the salt tablets provided on race day and other salty foods such as chips. Those at greater risk of hyponatremia include: female runners, smaller runners, slower runners, and runners with a low sweat rate.
Risks of hyponatremia can be minimised by acclimatising to the heat, training the endocrine system, salting foods a few days prior to the run, matching fluid and electrolyte intake to sweat losses and monitoring weight. The best way to achieve proper electrolyte and fluid balance is to hydrate with fluids containing proper amounts of electrolytes and to replace with sodium-containing foods or supplements, if required, and as determined during your training. Potassium, while present in many electrolyte-replacement solutions, may also be replaced with fruit, such as bananas or oranges. Beer or other alcoholic beverages should not be taken at any time during the event. Electrolyte-containing fluids should be continued after finishing until the gastrointestinal tract is fully functional, which may take several hours. Once the gut is working and adequate hydration has occurred, the normal balance of thirst, hunger, digestion and kidney filtration will maintain the proper balance of fluids and electrolytes.
Effects of Cold/Hypothermia:
Temperatures will likely be warm during the run, but be prepared for changeable cold weather, even during the middle of the race. Hypothermia is a potentially serious risk, especially running late in the evening through to early nightfall since one’s energy reserves will have been depleted from 14-16 or more hours of running. Hypothermia can strike very quickly, particularly when pace slows from exhaustion or injury. The initial warning signs of hypothermia often include lethargy, disorientation and confusion. The runner will feel very cold with uncontrolled shivering and may become confused, unaware of the surroundings, and may possibly be an immediate danger to him or herself. Staying well nourished, adequately hydrated and appropriately clothed will help avoid hypothermia. It is important that runners have access to warm clothing through their support crews, drop bags, or both.
Use of Drugs:
No drugs of any kind should be taken before, during or immediately after the event! Many drugs can increase the risk of heat stroke. A partial list of problem drugs include NSAIDS (including Ibuprofen), amphetamines, tranquilizers, and diuretics.Anti-Doping Policy and Statement.
We are working hard to ensure our sport remains clean of performance enhancing drugs. To this end, race management is in regular communication with Drug Free Sport NZ regarding anti-doping programmes. From these communications, we have taken the following steps:
Race management reserves the right to drug test any athlete competing in this event – from the time of registration to the completion of the event. Agreement to submit to drug testing is a condition of entry. Any testing will be conducted in a manner consistent with the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code including the WADA Prohibited List. (See link below for more information on those requirements.)
No athlete that is currently serving a sanction for violating sports anti-doping rules may enter the Waitomo Trail Run.
No athlete that was issued a sanction between 1 January 2013 and 31 Dec. 2014 for violating sports anti-doping rules may enter the Waitomo Trail Run.
Race management will disqualify the entry of any athlete violating (2) or (3) who attempts to enter these events.
Race management will provide anti-doping education to our participants, in conjunction with Drug Free Sport NZ. Considerable resources for athletes, coaches and support staff is on the Drug Free Sport NZ website: http://drugfreesport.org.nz/
Injuries From Falling:
Falling is an ever-present danger on the Waitomo Trail Run, with potentially serious consequences. Much of the trail is narrow, some uneven and rutted patches occur.
Muscle Necrosis:
It has been found that some degree of muscle cell death in the legs occurs from participation in the run. The recovery can take several months. This seems to be a bigger problem in runners who become dehydrated or have overexerted themselves. Medical analysis of blood samples taken from ultrarunners shows that this occurs to some degree in all runners.
Overuse Injuries:
Obviously, innumerable overuse injuries can occur, especially in the knee and the ankle. Sprains and fractures can easily occur on these rough trails. Blisters may cause you to have a sore day, or in severe circumstances may prevent you from finishing.
Common Fatigue:
One of the dangers you will encounter is fatigue. Fatigue, combined with the effects of dehydration, hypothermia, hyperthermia, hyponatremia, hypoglycemia and other debilitating conditions can produce disorientation and irrationality.
Getting Lost:
Although Run Management endeavors to mark the Waitomo Trail Run course, it is definitely possible to lose the trail. If you believe at any time that you may not be on the correct trail, do not attempt to find your way cross-country. If you are sure of your route, backtrack to where you last saw a trail marker and try to find other markers showing the direction of the trail. If you are unable to find your way, stay where you are! Wandering randomly will take you farther from the trail and reduce your chances of being found. If you do become injured, exhausted or ill, STAY ON THE TRAIL. If you feel dizzy, disoriented or confused, do not risk falling. Sit or lie down on the trail until you recover or are found. An unconscious runner even a few feet off the trail could be impossible to find until it is too late. If you are assisted by individuals who are not associated with Run Management, and you elect to leave the trail, you MUST notify the official at the nearest aid station of your decision to withdraw.
Difficulty in Gaining Access to or Locating Injured Participants:
Much of the Waitomo Trail Run longer courses are remote and inaccessible by motor vehicle. Accordingly, in spite of the many layers of safety precautions instituted by Run Management (including radio communications, mountain bike search and rescue personnel and other emergency services and medical personnel at many checkpoints), there is absolutely no assurance that aid or rescue assistance will arrive in time to give you effective assistance should you become sick, incapacitated or injured.
Although medical and other personnel will assist you when possible, remember that you are ultimately responsible for your own wellbeing on the trail. Only you will know how your body and mind feel at any given time. Monitor yourself during the entire run, and prepare yourself to drop out at the nearest checkpoint if you find it just isn’t your day. As you continue past each medical checkpoint, be aware of the number of kilometres to the next one, realising that getting rescue vehicles into these areas can be difficult, if not impossible.
Aside from all that – have fun!