Rules & Requirements
Race Rules & Requirements
Protect our precious New Zealand water – CHECK, CLEAN, DRY!
The Waitomo Trail run traverses some crazy stunning landscapes with waterways that are both above and below ground and habitat to some of the most extraordinary subterranean creatures on the planet (no – not trail runners!). We need to make sure nothing we do will damage or alter this natural habitat. The pristine streams will be forever changed if yucky pests like Didymo become established.
Competitors in the 33km distances will cross waterways, so you must have clean gear before you start – this means footwear has been dry and debris free for at least 48 hours prior to the race. If not dry then please clean & soak with a 5% detergent solution for 1 minute.
All 33km competitors must bring their clean, dry footwear to registration to be checked. See compulsory gear.
The Department of Conservation will have cleaning equipment available.

Caves, karst rock, farms and vegetation
Karst environments can be extremely delicate and easy to damage, please stay to the marked tracks and only venture into caves if they are on the marked trail.
Please do not climb on or over any railing, fences or bridges to get a better look at streams or caverns.
Please do not jump or bounce on swingbridges.
Please do not pick up or disturb natural vegetation or features such as limestone rocks and ferns.
No dogs are allowed on the course at any time. Untrained dogs can disturb livestock. Dogs are also not allowed at the Waitomo Glowworm Cave.
Please leave all gates as you found them. If you climb over a closed gate – you must climb over the hinge end (not where the latch is).
You may run or walk in paddocks with sheep or cattle. Do not disturb the livestock. They will probably be mildly curious about you – but you are really not that interesting to them.
You may encounter wild feral goats or pigs. They will be more scared of you than you are of them. Please do not chase the pigs and goats.
A native plant, ongaonga (tree nettle) has a very nasty sting. We will clear it from the course as best we can. Here is what it looks like. Guide to ongaonga
Do not climb around karst rock formations off the course. Hidden Tomos (holes) often appear among rock formations and you could slip and disappear underground.
Please respect the wishes of landowners.
Poisons, baits and traps are used in pest control to kill possums, rats and stoats in these areas. You may see dodgy looking carrots or brightly coloured baits lying around on some farms. Do not, under any circumstances, touch them.
Podium spots and race records
Runners or walkers who switch distances on race day and finish in the top 5 (men or women) for that distance will still be recorded for their time and place in that distance on the website.
However, for all media, prizegiving ceremony, place-getter medals, and official communications, only those who entered that distance will be acknowledged as being in the top 5 per distance/gender.
Course records will be set by any runner who completes the distance in the fastest ever recorded time on race day.
Running on the road
There are only a few metres on the road (superlong course only). It will be marshalled and signposted.
Walking is allowed – and is encouraged. Most runners, will walk the course at times – especially the uphills. Runners will probably walk more later in the event as fatigue sets in.
If you withdraw from the event at any point, please text the phone number on the rear of your bib as soon as you have coverage and you must let the nearest aid station or a course marshal know that you have pulled out of the race. Make sure a volunteer records your race number.
Anyone caught deliberately littering will be severely penalised. You will be disqualified from this event. As further punishment, you will be tasked with clearing gorse from the hills above Te Anga road wearing only jandals, shorts and a singlet and you will be served warm cordial for sustenance. After that, you will spend days crutching wet Perendales.
It is important for each entrant to recognize the potential physical and mental stresses, which may evolve from participation in this run.
I have read and understand the information regarding this event and understand that I participate in this event at my own risk.
I acknowledge and accept that trail running carries an inherent risk of injury, illness and in extreme cases, death.
I will be drug and alcohol free for this event.
I acknowledge that although the event has medical personnel and resources at various points along the course, the inaccessibility of much of the trail will make it difficult or impossible for medical assistance to reach me immediately and extractions may take a period of time.
I agree to allow event medical staff to treat me as they see fit.
I hereby attest and verify that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for this event.
I understand that competing in this event may involve running and walking on wilderness trails with rocks, roots, stream crossings, and up and down steep terrain. The hazards may include but are not limited to; challenging terrain, rocks, roots, adjacent streams, rivers, motor vehicle traffic, slippery surfaces, loose rocks, soft sand, weather conditions, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, actions of spectators, other competitors, general public and the event organisers personnel.
I agree to comply with the rules and directions of event officials and their personnel.
I will stay on the marked course at all times, unless instructed by event staff.
I will obey all course marking.
If race management indicate that compulsory gear is needed in this year’s edition of the race, I will wear or take the compulsory safety equipment required by the event.
My support crew and I will obey the instructions given by event staff.
I accept that I may be pulled from the course at any time with the discretion of event staff primarily for, but not limited to, safety reasons.
I will complete the entire course under my own power.
I will not light any fires.
I will be respectful of other trail users such as recreational walkers and mountain bikers.
I will not litter.
Smoking is not permitted at any of the checkpoints or along the trail by participants, staff, spectators or supporters.
Any participant who is unable to finish the event must inform the nearest event staff of their decision to withdraw and make sure their race number is recorded, or text the Safety or Operations Manager (see rear of race number for phone numbers).
Participants who leave the course/event without informing staff of their race number will be classified as “missing”. The participant will be contacted on their mobile phone and their emergency contact will be called. If there is no response from either party or the emergency contact does not know the status of the runner, a search will be activated. Any search related costs will be charged to the participant.
Anti-Doping Policy and Statement: Race management reserves the right to drug test any participant competing in this event – from the time of registration to after the completion of the event. Agreement to submit to drug testing is a condition of entry.
I understand that the event transfer and refund policies are, as stated on the website at the time I entered, and are not negotiable.
I hereby allow the use of my name and image to be used in the media and for marketing purposes.
I hereby allowing aerial filming of myself, including use of drones, as part of this event.
I hereby agree that in the case of event cancellation due to extreme inclement weather (at the discretion of event officials), my entry fee shall be non-refundable.
I hereby acknowledge this waiver, release and indemnity discharge all persons, corporations, associations and bodies involved or otherwise engaged in promoting or staging the event and their servants, agents, representatives, officers and employees. This includes but is not limited to the various committees, members, and employees of all independent contracted suppliers to the event, local councils, cities and districts and their respective officers, directors, employees, independent contractors, representatives, agents, volunteers, event organisers and sponsors whether or not the loss, injury or damage is attributed to the act or neglect of any or more of them.
I also understand that my contact details will be added to the NZ Trail Runs Ltd. events database, and that I will receive emails directly from NZ Trail Runs Ltd. You can always opt out of the email list.
I understand that I can unsubscribe from this database at any time. NZ Trail Runs Ltd. will not, under any circumstances, distribute at any time, the contact details of those on the NZ Trail Runs database.